Cheaper than stationary cleaning

In contrast to conventional stationary cleaning, our mobile on-site curtain cleaning eliminates significant cost drivers such as logistics or rental costs.

Fast, flexible and uncomplicated

We work quickly and effectively, without any additional effort on your part. Our promise: No window stays without curtains for more than 2 hours!

Smooth operations

Our team cleans your curtains without interrupting operations and without disturbing guests or staff in the slightest.

Personal advice

Our competent consultants are always available to answer your questions thanks to their many years of experience in this area.

We clean your curtains directly on site!

Clean and hygienic rooms have always been a crucial factor when choosing accommodation for most guests. Curtains are a central element in every room that immediately catches the eye.
They have a positive influence on the indoor climate and therefore on the well-being of your guests. For this reason, clean, fresh and wrinkle-free curtains are a MUST for every hotel!

Unfortunately, curtains often attract dust and dirt simply because of their size. This creates an ideal breeding ground for mites and germs, which in turn are harmful to your guests or patients.

In order to guarantee hygiene standards and create a fresh, clean living experience for you and your guests, proper care is even more important. However, this can not only be very time-consuming but also cost-intensive, especially for large facilities.

The solution? Libertacare’s mobile curtain cleaning service!

Our tip:

We recommend that you have your curtains cleaned 1-2 times a year, because with the right care they will last longer!

This is how our mobile curtain cleaning works

1. Initial consultation

During an initial conversation, we will explain the process and then arrange an appointment together.

We will be happy to advise you by telephone, email or directly on site – personally and completely free of charge !

2. Measurement

After a free on-site measurement by our team, we will provide you with a tailor-made, non-binding offer.

3. Hang out, wash, hang up

We come directly to you with our mobile washing station! Our team will take down your curtains on site, wash, clean and disinfect them professionally and gently. We will replace defective rolling rings and locks free of charge.

We then hang the curtains right back up where we took them down. This means the curtains remain wrinkle-free and also smell fresh.

Who is interested in mobile curtain cleaning?

Basically for any company that uses curtains and requires a flexible and fast cleaning service.

The Libertacare team comes to you personally and takes care of the entire service, from hanging it up to hanging it up again - you don't have to worry about a thing!

We wash, clean and care for your curtains directly on site - without any pick-up or delivery. In this way, you not only save time and money, but you also eliminate all organizational effort.

With our mobile curtain cleaning, we guarantee that your operations will run smoothly without disturbing your guests or employees.

No room is left without curtains overnight!

We have specialized in this

We aim our service primarily at hotels, guesthouses or guest houses as well as senior residences and care facilities, schools and other companies that value cleanliness but have to use their time in day-to-day business.

Our skilled workers are always friendly and motivated to make people happy with freshly washed curtains!

Mobile curtain cleaning for hotels and guesthouses

A clean and hygienic room is certainly one of the decisive criteria for every guest when choosing accommodation. Our service guarantees clean and fresh curtains - without any organizational effort.

Mobile curtain cleaning for senior citizens' and nursing homes

A clean, homely atmosphere is also more than important for residents of various dormitories - this of course also includes fresh curtains.

In order to guarantee this and to ensure the health of your residents, we offer you our mobile curtain cleaning service.

Mobile curtain cleaning for clinics

In this highly sensitive area, hygiene is the be-all and end-all. Curtains have also been proven to influence the well-being of patients.

So that hygiene standards can be guaranteed, our team is optimally prepared for this challenge.


Häufig gestellte Fragen zur Gardinenreinigung vor Ort

Was kostet eine Gardinenreinigung vor Ort?

Das ist von mehreren Faktoren abhängig: Neben der reinen Quadratmeterzahl spielen beispielsweise auch Art und Zustand der Gardinen eine signifikante Rolle. Aus diesem Grund lässt sich ein konkreter Preis erst nach einem Aufmaß vor Ort festlegen.

Kontaktieren Sie uns, um einen unverbindlichen und kostenlosen Beratungstermin vereinbaren!

Warum sind saubere Gardinen so wichtig?

Allein aufgrund Ihrer Größe stechen Gardinen schon beim Betreten eines Raumes direkt ins Auge und geben schnell Aufschluss über seinen generellen Hygienezustand. Neben all ihren positiven Eigenschaften neigen Gardinen leider dazu, Schmutz und Staub anzuziehen. Das sieht nicht nur unschön aus, sondern schafft außerdem einen idealen Nährboden für Milben und Keime, die wiederum schädlich für die Gesundheit sind.

Um einen guten ersten Eindruck und eine einladende, hygienische Atmosphäre zu schaffen, sind saubere Gardinen also von besonderer Bedeutung!

Wie oft sollten Gardinen gereinigt werden?

Um Staub, Schmutz, Keimen und unangenehmen Gerüchen vorzubeugen, empfehlen wir Ihnen generell, Ihre Gardinen mindestens zwei Mal pro Jahr waschen zu lassen. Bei stark ausgelasteten Zimmern in Hotels, Kliniken oder ähnlichen Einrichtungen lohnt es sich, Ihre Gardinen auch öfter reinigen lassen.

Außerdem: Mit der richtigen Pflege verlängert sich auch die Haltbarkeit der Gardinen!

In welchen Regionen arbeiten wir?

Das LIBERTACARE Team ist deutschlandweit für Sie einsatzbereit und kommt mit unserer mobilen Waschstation direkt zu Ihnen!

Ist eine Gardinenreinigung vor Ort überall möglich?

Voraussetzung sind ein Standplatz zum Parken unserer mobilen Waschstation, ein Starkstromanschluss (16 oder 32 Ampere) sowie ein Wasseranschluss (Gardena) und ein Abfluss, in den wir das Abwasser leiten dürfen.

How do I get in touch?

Use our contact form.

make contact

Do you have a question or would you like a specific offer? We are here for you.

You can reach us at 02776 / 922 22-58 or by email at . You can also use our contact form!

make contact